Baby Proofing 101: A Parent’s Guide to Child Safety

As parents of a curious little explorer, we’ve been there – staring at our home and wondering how on earth we’re going to make it safe for our bundle of joy. Don’t worry if you’re feeling overwhelmed. We’ve been through it, and we’re here to share our hard-earned wisdom (and a few embarrassing stories) about baby proofing.

Why Baby Proofing Matters (Our Wake-Up Call)

Nothing quite prepares you for the moment your little one starts crawling. One minute, they’re happily cooing in their playpen, and the next, they’re halfway across the room, heading straight for that shiny power outlet. That was our wake-up call.

We remember thinking, “Surely, our baby won’t be interested in that.” Oh, how wrong we were! Babies are like tiny scientists, determined to investigate every nook and cranny of their world. And let us tell you, their methods of investigation usually involve grabbing, licking, or trying to eat whatever they can get their hands on. Thankfully, with a few basics you can pick up from the online baby stores Australia has to offer, you can baby proof your home with ease. 

Getting Started: Learn to Think Like a Baby

We’re not kidding when we say you need to think like a baby. Yes, you’ll feel silly, and yes, your knees will protest, but trust us, getting down low and seeing what’s within reach is an exercise that’s worth it. We discovered a whole world of potential hazards we’d never noticed before. Pro tip: wear knee pads. Your joints will thank you later.

Start with the areas where your baby spends the most time. For us, that was the living room and nursery. We tackled those first, then moved on to the rest of the house as our little explorer’s territory expanded.

Room-by-Room Guide

The Nursery

This is where you’ll spend countless hours with your little one (probably a few of which will involve frantically Googling “Is it normal for babies to [insert bizarre behaviour here]?”).

  • Secure Furniture: After catching our little climber attempting to scale Mount Dresser, we anchored everything to the walls. Better safe than sorry!
  • Crib Safety: Make sure those crib slats are the right distance apart. 
  • Remove Small Objects: If it can fit through a toilet paper roll, it’s a choking hazard

The Living Room

This is where the real action happens. It’s also where we learned that our reflexes aren’t as quick as we thought they were.

  • Cover Electrical Outlets: Those little plastic covers are your new best friends. 
  • Anchor the TV: Because apparently, TVs are irresistible to tiny hands. Who knew?
  • Soft Corners: If you don’t want your little one bonking their precious head on the coffee table (cue parental panic), invest in some corner guards. 

The Kitchen

Ah, the kitchen. Land of a thousand potential disasters. Here’s how we tamed ours:

  • Lock Cabinets: Child-proof locks are a godsend. Just make sure you know how to open them yourself!
  • Stove Safety: Stove knob covers are great, but teaching your partner to turn pot handles inward? That’s the real challenge.
  • Secure Appliances: We moved our coffee maker to a high shelf. It was a sad day, but sacrifices must be made.

The Bathroom

The bathroom: where water and slippery surfaces combine to test your nerves.

  • Toilet Locks: Because no one wants to fish toys out of the toilet.
  • Non-Slip Mats: Bath time is fun time, not slip-and-slide time.
  • Store All Products Safely: From medications to baby skincare products and even cotton buds, everything should be out of reach for tiny hands. 

Commonly Overlooked Hazards 

  • Pet Doors: Aka baby escape hatches. Make sure they’re not accessible to your little one!
  • Houseplants: Make sure any plant you have inside your home would be safe if your child had a nibble. You may be surprised to discover how many houseplants can be toxic if consumed. 
  • Window Blinds: Those cords can be a problem, especially if you have floor-to-ceiling blinds. 

Final Thoughts

Baby proofing is not a one-and-done job. Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, your little one will find a new and creative way to give you a heart attack. But that’s what we sign ourselves up for as parents! As you baby proof your home, keep in mind that the goal isn’t to create a sterile, bubble-wrapped environment. Instead, you want to strike a balance between safety and exploration. So take a deep breath, get down on your hands and knees, and start seeing the world through your baby’s eyes. It’s a wild ride, but we wouldn’t trade it for anything. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we need to go fish a sock out of the toilet. 

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