Complete Buying Guide For Corporate Uniforms

Branded corporate uniforms can be a crucial part of building your brand and identity. Your employees wear them every day, and customers see them daily. Therefore, uniforms should convey the right message.
Your employees will be able to stand out among other companies by wearing uniforms. It creates a sense of team identity and cohesion among employees. They can also help employees feel proud to be part of your company.
It’s important to think carefully about branding corporate uniforms. You can’t just stick your logo on any shirt and hope it works. You need to think about many factors when selecting branded corporate uniforms.
We have created this buying guide that covers the advantages of branded uniforms and what to consider when purchasing them. It also includes valuable information that you can use when selecting uniforms.
Why use Branded Uniforms
Branded Apron
Businesses and other organizations can reap the benefits of branded corporate staff uniforms in Australia. They are a great tool to build your brand. Branded uniforms are a great way to establish a visual brand identity. They can be used in signature colours and feature your logo.
Your employees will also appreciate uniforms. You Gov Galaxy’s 2018 survey found that uniforms are a popular choice for workers in Australia.
70% prefer not to have to worry about what to wear to work
62% prefer not to have to purchase other work clothes
56% prefer to have something practical for work.
Customers can recognize 51% of them easily, which is 51%
According to the same study, 93% of customers think smart uniforms reflect well on a company’s brand. They are a great way for customers to build their reputation.
About 7 out 10 people believe uniforms are a better advertising medium than newspaper ads. Just over half think uniforms are better than website ads.
Uniforms are a great way for customers to feel good about your company. Research has shown that uniforms can reflect the actions of an individual employee. If one employee provides excellent customer service, customers will be more likely to trust the others in the team.
What are the main considerations when buying corporate uniforms with branding?
It’s an important decision, so it is crucial to make the right choice. This guide will help you choose the right uniform for your team.
What types of garments are most practical for your employees?
Branded corporate uniforms may include a variety of garments such as t-shirts and sweatshirts, jackets and coats, workwear protection, and many more. When designing your uniforms, it is important to determine which types of clothing are most useful for your team.
Consider your team’s needs first. You are the one who will wear the uniform every day. Make sure you think about what is practical for your employees. When deciding on garment types, it is a good idea for your employees to give their input.
Your uniform should be safe, practical, and comfortable for your employees. This is what your employees need.
Which type of work does your team do? Manual work or office work, etc.
Are they indoors or outdoor?
Are they required to wear helmets or hi-vis vests?
They will need to wear multiple layers in order to function at different temperatures.
Are your employees going to need different uniforms in summer and winter?
Your employees will be happier if their uniforms are practical for every day of work. If there are different needs among different groups of employees, you might consider getting different uniforms.
Hi-Vis Uniform
What Color Will Your Corporate Uniform Branded Be?
Orange branded T-shirt But, the colour must also be appropriate for the workplace.
Retail could benefit from the use of bright uniforms in order to assist customers with their shopping and to guide them. For more formal or serious environments, such as banks, dark shades can look more professional and sophisticated.
When choosing your uniform colour, it is a good idea to consider different color associations. Blue and green, for example, can be soothing and gentle while yellow and red can be exciting and energetic.
Consider using different colors to distinguish senior staff. A different color for a manager or supervisor makes them easy to identify when they need assistance or their attention.
Where will you place your company logo?
Your company logo and name will be prominently displayed on your corporate uniform. Make sure to place them correctly. It may be useful to place a large logo on your uniform’s back if you want customers to quickly identify your employees.
A smaller logo on the front of the uniform might be more appropriate for employees who spend most of their time in person with customers. You can also place the logo on sleeves, pockets or on your trouser legs.
It is important to choose the right colour for your company logo. It is important to choose a color that matches the uniform’s base colour. You need to ensure it is noticeable.
Think about how you logo will be used in the design. Is it printed digitally? Is it better to use embroidery or digital printing? Different printing methods have different effects so pick the one that best suits you!
Branded Scarves
What fabric will you use for your uniforms?
It is important to choose the right fabric for corporate clothing. The most important factor in choosing the right material is practicality. It would be helpful to consider the cost of each uniform and the impact they have on its appearance.
Safety and health regulations are another factor to consider. The garment may need to be durable, warm, and breathable depending on the job of your employee.
Quantities, Budgets & Stock Management
Once you have an idea of how your uniforms should look, it is time to consider how many you will need and if your budget allows for that. To determine the size of uniforms that you will need, survey your employees. You will also need to determine how many uniforms you require in different sizes, including men’s, women’s and unisex.
You might also consider your future needs when placing your initial order. You will need to purchase more uniforms over time to replace damaged or lost uniforms.
You’ll also need uniforms to provide for your new employees upon their arrival. While you can have spare uniforms on hand for new employees, as your workforce grows, you will eventually need more uniforms.
It may be beneficial for your employees to order several uniform sets. You can be sure that they will always have a clean uniform, even if they wash it frequently. This can lead to significant increases in costs. You could make it optional and ask employees to pay for extras.
You should allow yourself enough time to calculate the correct quantities for your uniform order. Manufacturers might charge you more for orders placed on short notice. It’s better to plan ahead!
Think about how you will manage your uniform stock. You can distribute uniforms to multiple locations in the country. Or have them sent separately to each one. What are you going to do with your spare stock? How do you track uniform stock levels? How do you determine when to order new uniforms
These are critical questions that you must answer. Make sure you have a solid stock management system for your uniforms.
Your brand’s corporate uniforms are a key part of your brand’s identity. Make sure you get the right ones. This guide will help you feel confident about your uniform-buying journey.
You only need to find a trusted supplier that offers a wide range of corporate uniform products. Why not take a look at Good Things’ uniform catalog?
Branded corporate uniforms are available in a variety of styles, colours and sizes. They can also be ordered across Australia.
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