How to Find Balance in Your Life When Undertaking Major Home Renovations

If you’re undertaking major DIY renovations to your home right now or are looking to in the near future, it can be seriously hard to maintain a good work/life balance. Here are a few tips to keep you sane, feeling inspired and relaxed while you plan and undertake those big home renovation projects.
Stop looking at Pinterest
While Pinterest can be a wonderful source of inspiration at the beginning and planning stages of a home renovation project, whether you’re looking to upgrade your entire home or simply redo the bathroom or kitchen, it can actually end up holding you back and stressing you out. Use Pinterest during the planning stage, whether you’re just gathering some ideas, creating a dream home board or looking for DIY advice. Don’t use Pinterest unless you’re looking for specific advice during your home renovation though. Once you’ve started your projects, Pinterest is likely only going to distract and blur the vision of your dream home, not to mention wasted time while you could be working on actually creating your real dream home.
Take it slow
There’s nothing that says you have to go fast when undergoing major renovations, especially if you’re going to DIY. Shows like the Block are not realistic (except for possibly the stress they endure) and of course, if they make a mistake, they don’t actually have to “live” in it so take your time and don’t rush yourself. In the beginning, it’s a good idea to plan everything out so you do your DIY projects in an efficient order, however if you just want to get stuck in then do what feels right at the time and if you’re having an off day and don’t feel like getting anything done, don’t sweat it.
Shop around
While it can be very tempting to buy everything at once, as soon as you have your perfect home vision in mind it may cost you a fortune. You can make huge savings by (here’s that 2nd tip again) taking it slow. Instead of buying everything now, now, now, take it slow and scour Gumtree and local second hand shops for the perfect one of a kind furniture pieces. If you’re looking for something specific, bookmark and save your online searches and let local store owners know what you have in mind. Eventually, the perfect piece will pop up and you’ll be glad you waited for it.
Keep it clean
While renovating can be a lot of fun it can also be seriously stressful as projects don’t always go perfectly to plan. Perhaps the hardest part for many is living amongst chaos. If you’re living in your home (as most are) when you’re making it over, it’s going to get absolutely filthy. Unfortunately that’s just par for the course. While the temptation is there to spend all your available time renovating and moving along with projects, it’s still important to clean house. This isn’t for the sake of your hygiene or safety though of course those things are important to, but for your sanity. A clean home equals a clear mind to tackle those harder DIY projects. While your home is never going to be as clean as it normally is without renovating, taking a little time out of projects to clean is going to help you feel balanced and live more normally while undergoing a reno.
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