Modern witches enchanting TikTok

Paganism is an umbrella term that encompasses many traditions, including Wicca Heathenry and Druidry. The common thread among pagans is a respect for nature and a belief that one can interact with the deities of the universe through rituals.
As teens search for spirituality or religion, they are increasingly turning to witchcraft. Television shows inspire teens, witchcraft esthetic is influenced by design trends, or because a religion based on nature makes sense in the face of environmental crises.
WitchTok is a community that connects people with this group and its practices, regardless of exactly why they belong.
Read more: TikTok is a unique blend of social media platforms – here’s why kids love it.
Since “joining” is as simple as clicking the hashtag, WitchTok is quite fluid and diverse. Some posts come from Wiccans who have been practicing for decades, others from teens who may not even call themselves a witches (yet).
WitchTok is a place where people of different backgrounds can learn from each other and inspire one another. However, there are also heated debates about what constitutes an “authentic” Witch.
What exactly do witches do online? WitchTok videos can be divided into four categories: entertainment (spells), promoting business, and rants.
Scrolling, scrolling and scrolling
WitchTok is primarily a source of entertainment for many. Many videos feature witchy décor in the home or skits that depict living with a Witch.
Posts that are entertaining are not frivolous. Content creation allows you to publically proclaim your religious identity. Witches can connect with their wider community by joining a trend through comments or following-up videos. For witches who “are in the broom cupboard” and do not self-identify publicly, seeing videos on one’s news feed can provide validation.
Follow these simple steps to get started.
WitchTok offers a learning environment. In many videos, you can see the detailed steps to perform spells. Spell jars are a popular form of magic found on WitchTok. Spell jars can be used for a variety of purposes. Different ingredients may offer protection, wealth, or love.
WitchTok is a great place to discover magical practices. Beginners who are exploring witchcraft actively can increase their knowledge. You might learn about the magical properties and uses of cinnamon.
Witches can also help others by offering advice, suggesting alternative ingredients, or advising how to avoid magic malpractice. For example, fire safety is a hot topic.
WitchTok offers a variety of perspectives and is a place for collaboration. Users discuss whether fresh herbs are better than packaged ones or if certain magic should be performed.
The “witchy” marketplace
WitchTok’s commercial aspect is not to be ignored. Consider spell jars. Every spell needs a well-stocked kitchen. Many spells still require glass vials, even if the herbs are grown by someone. Incense is used to “cleanse” and candles are used to “seal”. WitchTok provides information on where to buy items through videos and comments.
The most popular businesses on WitchTok are the small independent retailers who sell crystals and tools or even complete kits that include everything you need to perform magic.
Metaphysical stores are also popular. They cater to a wider “spiritual clientele” but sell incense, herbs, and other materials needed for witchcraft.
WitchTok provides businesses with a platform for connecting with potential clients. Companies can share videos highlighting products or interact with customers.
“Sharing My Two Cents”
Everyone needs to vent. This is especially true on the internet. Witches rant in many videos, expressing their opinions about various topics, including which traditions are available for borrowing.
The topics change over time. A creator, who was canceled back in November might be forgotten come January. Posts allow the community to form opinions on important issues. How does magic function? What kind of training is needed?
A video allows someone to express their opinion on a particular issue, such as performing hexes against another person. Commenting on a post will enable others to refute or confirm that opinion. Even liking a post passively can reinforce a certain outlook.
The more you interact with certain topics on a technical level, the deeper the algorithms will draw you into particular discourses. If someone likes a video on Hexes, for example, their feed will soon be filled with educational videos.
Find connections in the modern world.
WitchTok, regardless of what type of content is shared, provides a valuable outlet for witches, both as an individual and as a group.
WitchTok is the first to help Witches connect. Many witches feel uncomfortable declaring that they are a witches for various reasons. Some people live in places without a local community. WitchTok allows such people to make significant, affirming their connections.
Social media can be a great place for novices to learn. It is also a good resource for experienced practitioners. WitchTok offers advice on how to perform spells and helps users learn more about magic and witchcraft.
While the witchy aesthetic is not unique to TikTok – its popularity has grown in recent years – exposure to popular products or spells helps to cement a particular style. WitchTok is a great way for businesses to promote themselves. It also helps drive traffic towards certain retailers and products.
WitchTok is a tool that connects witches with their community and practices, whether they are scrolling mindlessly through the app or actively researching.
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